Planning & Economic Development

Planning & Economic Development


It is with pleasure to present the IDP Review for 2016/2017 as it marks the last review in the third generation of IDP which was prepared and guided by section 34 of the Municipal Systems Act no. 32 of 2000 and local government planning principles. The District and its entire leadership collectively are geared up to addressing the challenges facing our people. The present leadership was inaugurated in 30 June 2011, since then one has been putting a lot of effort regardless of the limited resources at our disposal. The Municipality is still striving to change the lives of our community for the better and we are charged with the responsibility to reduce poverty and fast track service delivery. We are very much aware of top priorities for our people.

Although Water is still a huge challenge in our District hence the issue of using Jozini Dam to supply water to the entire District was the top priority when this Council came into power. The support is available from the Provincial and National Government however the devastating drought that is facing the whole Country the agricultural sector and community in general went through a difficult period as Mr President alluded to during his SONA. This also resulting in public protests but issues raised are being addressed.
Administrative support from the provincial government is appreciated as the Municipality is facing various challenges which lead to the Provincial Executive Council evoking Section 139 (1) (b). In the main, this process is meant to address challenges faced by the Municipality in areas such as Institutional Transformation and Development, Financial Management and Basic Service Delivery. As soon as all systems are running smoothly, the Municipality will then be managed using normal processes provided the recovery plan is able to yield desired output.

I now present this IDP Review document as a final round for uMkhanyakude District Municipality. Let us work together in providing the much needed service delivery to our communities.

Emergency Numbers

Police: 035 573 1088/1080 or 10111
Clinic: 035 573 1082
Fire Department: 035 573 1080
Ambulance - EMRS: 035 573 9200

Contact Us

Address : Harlingen No. 13433, Kingfisher Road, Mkuze, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa
Email :
Phone : (+27) 0355738600
Fax Number: +27355731094